Why Cyber Security Is More Important Than Ever
Anyone with access to a network within your organization is responsible to a degree for the security of that network. While IT personnel often bear the brunt of researching various cyber security technologies and are also tasked with implementation, it takes an entire organization to ensure the safety of a company’s data.
When it comes to decisions being made about how best to approach cyber security, all departments — not just IT — need to be involved. Many organizations are taking this to heart, but others are leaving too many key players out of the loop when it comes to spending on technology, which could lead to integration issues as well as cyber security problems.
The lack of integration is problematic because when technology is great for one department and it comes time to share files with a disparate department, incompatibility problems lead to major workflow issues.
Furthermore, you’re well past the days when you could bring in new technology and rely on IT to do all the cyber security for you by making sure the firewall is up and running and that you have some malware protection. Today, cyber thieves are far too savvy for you to rely on basic security tools alone.
Don’t Be the Victim
In less than two years, cyber crimes are expected to generate damages that surpass the $6 trillion mark. To prevent your company from adding to that dollar amount, you need to know what security threats are out there and educate yourself about the technologies that can help you monitor your network traffic and keep the bad guys out of your data.
The National Cybersecurity Institute says that half of all small businesses have been impacted by an attack. The bad news is that half of those businesses didn’t survive the attack, which is motivation to be proactive now rather than regretful later.
What holds many companies up when it comes to adopting stronger cyber security practices is that the bulk of information out there can be really confusing, which means choosing the right technologies can lead to sitting on the decision and doing nothing at all. There is also the fear that if you purchase the wrong technology, it’s not going to be a good fit and you’re ultimately going to be left unprotected and out a lot of money.
At One Connect, we have more than 100 years of combined experience assisting customers in building a cyber security plan that has their data covered. We’re familiar with the technology, so you don’t have to be. We know what will be a good fit for your unique needs and we can get it for you at a reasonable cost. Contact us and let’s talk about how we can keep your data out of the wrong hands.